Many homeowners are unaware of the existence of public adjusters. They believe that the work performed by the insurance company’s adjuster is done on their behalf. Homeowners may hire a public adjuster in New Jersey in the event of a natural disaster. If you hire a public adjuster, the sooner you do so, the better.

Hiring a public adjuster means having someone do the legwork and negotiate on your behalf. The public adjuster becomes your advocate, representing you. This is especially important if you have suffered a significant loss, such as a house fire or storm. It will be difficult for you to consider all of the items that were once a part of your home and will need to be replaced. It is the public adjuster’s responsibility to guide you through the process.

4 Pros And Cons Of Hiring A Public Adjuster In New Jersey For Your Natural Disaster Damage Claims

This article outlines four pros and cons of hiring a public adjuster in New Jersey for natural disaster claims.

Pros of a Public Adjuster

  • They Do In-Depth Assessment

A public adjuster understands the intricacies of insurance claims for both home and business. They are able to negotiate, and collaborate in-depth with the insurance company adjuster for a fair settlement. Dealing with a catastrophic loss can be extremely stressful. You must deal with the consequences of damage, loss, and future repairs. Losing items in your home or business can also have an emotional impact.

If you have a large claim, there may be issues that need to be addressed that are not visible on the surface. Because of their experience and determination to find everything possible, public adjusters can assist in ensuring that nothing is overlooked in the claim and claim settlement.

For instance, suppose you had water damage on your wood floors from the upper-level bathroom, it may appear obvious that wood floors require replacement. However, the water could have run down the inside of the walls, causing mold or plasterboard damage. This could have an impact on how secure the cabinets are on the walls.

  • They Ensure a Speedy and Better Claim

A public adjuster typically secures larger settlement claims for their clients. As a homeowner, you may not feel comfortable or confident going back to the insurance adjuster and negotiating the claim.

You may not even realize that something has been overlooked, so you do not know how to request more. A public adjuster knows what questions to ask because of their experience. They will then negotiate with the insurance company adjuster on your behalf.

  • They are Knowledgeable and Professional

Most states have stringent requirements for public adjusters. To be licensed as a public adjuster, the state requires extensive training and knowledge. Public adjusters are frequently members of their professional organization, which requires certain skill levels.

The Cons of Hiring a Public Adjuster

  • Expenses for the Public Adjuster

Though you might think that the expense of hiring a public adjuster is on the higher side, in reality, public adjusters are paid on a contingency basis from the insurance company’s settlement amount. The amount varies by region across the country. It also varies with the size of the claim.