There is nothing more devastating to a business than the fire that goes out of control. This means that it can damage your property, disrupt the operations, and lead to loss of revenues. After fire incidents, it becomes tough for one to deal with insurance claims. At this point, Premier Public Adjusters, a credible name since 2001, comes in to assist you in walking through these procedures and getting maximum settlements on your claim.

These are 4 main ways through which Premier Public Adjusters may be helpful in commercial fire incidents:

1. Expert Damage Assessment and Negotiation

Apart from direct costs such as structural repairs, there are other hidden components of fire damage, like smoke removal expenses. With the help of their experience, public adjusters have what it takes to thoroughly examine how severely your structures have been destroyed while considering both direct and indirect losses. We keep records about everything, from physical damage to lost stocks and business interruption.

We will negotiate with your insurer regarding this evaluation report. Our adjusters are aware of the complexities within commercial insurance coverage. Therefore, we make convincing arguments for complete settlements.

2. Streamlining the Claims Process

What happens next is that complex paperwork and deadlines become part and parcel of any claim process. To let you offload the pressure associated with dealing with all aspects concerning filing claims or communication between you and your insurer, we at Premier Public Adjusters undertake this responsibility on your behalf by Gathering every piece of evidence required.

3. Fighting for Your Rightful Coverage

Because commercial policies can be very intricate, there are cases when coverage disputes might arise. Our public adjusters are well conversant with insurance papers. They will take time before coming up with all the coverages related to fire losses, as recorded in your policy document.

In case the insurance firm denies or imposes any limitations on your claims, we will work until we convince them to reverse their decision and pay you according to what they owe you, the claimants, although our public adjusters go against this. We will do everything possible to settle the matter by producing evidence supporting your claim and negotiating with the insurance company.

4. No Recovery, No Fee

Premier Public Adjusters is dedicated to helping businesses recover from fire disasters, hence working on a contingency fee basis. You will only give us a fraction of what has been paid back as compensation if we manage to negotiate a deal. Otherwise, it’s zero cents for us.

Experience the Premier Difference

Although loss due to fire may appear huge, having Premier Public Adjusters by your side assures that you don’t need to struggle alone. When it comes to handling your claim, our experienced team of professionals is competent enough and caring at heart throughout such proceedings. Therefore, contact us today to inquire about a free consultation whereby we shall enable you to move forward again.