We understand how challenging it can be to figure out the property damage claims process. Don’t worry; you are not alone. This process comes with uncertainties and misconceptions; you need a professional to help you navigate the way.

5 Myths to Clear the Air

Myth #1: Will Filing a Claim Increase My Premiums?

Most people believe that filing vandalism damage claims in Wilmington, PA, and nearby areas, will do them any good regarding increased insurance premiums. Moreover, that is not the case. The relationship between filing a claim and a premium is more subtle.

In addition, most claims can result in premium adjustments, especially if you have a history of those claims. However, not all claims will impact your rates; they vary. Therefore, it is important to check the circumstances of your claim to find out what is included in the increase in insurance premiums.

In this case, you should seek professional help. Furthermore, public adjusters can help you figure out potential premium implications. You might need to catch up on many aspects, but with the help of professionals, you can get help.

Myth #2: Will My Insurance Company Always Offer a Fair Settlement?

This is a popular belief among homeowners. However, this is only the case sometimes. Moreover, your insurance company will only cover part of your losses. There are cases where you won’t get the compensation you deserve.

In addition, this is the job that public adjusters do well. They come with the expertise of fighting for what you deserve. By seeking professional help from them, you can ensure a fair evaluation of your losses.

Myth #3: I Can Handle the Claim Process on My Own

While many property owners file vandalism damage claims in Wilmington alone, we would never suggest it. The claims process is often. Therefore, some damages may take time to be obvious. Additionally, if you don’t hire experts to identify and document for you, you may receive a settlement you do not deserve.

What is the job of public adjusters in this scenario? Public adjusters act as advocates for policyholders; they hold the knowledge you need to be successful in the claims process.

Myth #4: The Insurance Company Works for Me and Me Only

You are mistaken if you think the insurance company will work exclusively for you. In addition, they solely work in their own best interest. They are focused on minimizing the company’s financial liability, which is what the insurance company’s adjuster does.

On the other hand, public adjusters will fight for your rights for vandalism damage claims. Similarly, they only represent the policyholder. You can gain an advocate who fights for the claim payout you deserve.

Myth #5: There is Plenty of Time to File for a Claim

You can suffer from consequences if you delay filing for a claims process. Similarly, this can also reduce the chances of a successful settlement. There are specific timeframes of insurance companies; if you cross that timeline, you could be in a pickle.

Premier Public adjusters ensure that you take timely actions; We make sure to back up our words with actions. Furthermore, We will help you submit the necessary documents on time. Premier Public Adjuster serves in Philadelphia, PA, and nearby cities, get in touch with us if you are facing any problems regarding your insurance claim.